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ITER – The way to New Energy

ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor and Latin for “the way”) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject. The ITER project aims to make the long-awaited transition from experimental studies of plasma physics to full-scale electricity-producing fusion power plants.
  • 23,000 ton Machine weight
    30 meters in diameter and nearly as
    many in height
    840 cubic meters Plasma volume
    150 million ℃ Plasma temperature
    500 MW Output power
  • Seven member entities—China, the
    European Union, India, Japan, Korea
    Russia, and the United States
  • ITER Tokamak construction site

ITER – Thermal Shield

The thermal shield system
– are made of stainless steel 604NL and silver coated to minimize emissivity.
– provides an effective barrier for thermal loads to the superconducting coils and structures operating at 4.5K, by thermal radiation and conduction.
– withstands gravity, thermal and electromagnetic loads, deflection of support components, loads experienced during assembly and disassembly, tests, seismic events and postulated accidents, without damage requiring repair.

  • Outboard CTR UPR LH Shell

  • Outboard LAT UPR LH/RH U port Flange

  • Outboard

  • 3D scanning

  • Tube welding

  • VVTS 10